Breaking News
The UP Training, Upazila level WATSAN committe training, LE training, Health Workers training and Hardcore Poor Selection are currently being conducted under the project for “Technical Assistance (TA) Firm to Develop Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) materials for Campaign, training manuals (for local Government Institutions- LGIs & Health Workers) and their Capacity Building’’ under Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project, DPHE. | Title Url Action Construction of 13 Poly-shed including Pen Exclusive Net (PEN) is under progress in Gadkhali, Jashore and Kaliganj under the project for “Designing and Implementing of Piloting Programme for Development of Business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut Flower Sector” under Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1, Ministry of Commerce. | Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) has decided to support the flood-affected people in need. Let's generously donate whatever we can to help the victims. Bikash Number: *01783 599 520* |

What We Do

Vocational and Technical Training for Youth

Vocational education or Training (VET), also called Career and Technical Education (CTE), prepares youths for job opportunities that are based on manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocational and technical training. Hence, the term, in which the learner can prepare themselves for self- employment and starting of own business with a small amount of capital.

Bangladesh is a country with a large population of young people who need skill development based on technical training and decent job opportunities to reduce poverty and improve their livelihoods. SBSS is working to provide quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to Bangladesh's disadvantaged youth and women. SBSS maintains an excellent technical training institute in the Sylhet division offering hands-on training on apprenticeships, entrepreneurship, enterprise and market development, and sector-strengthening interventions. Also provide training on Sewing Machine Operating, Embroidery Machine Operating, Production of Bags carrying necessary essential things, motorcycle repairing and maintenance, and repairing household electronic appliances. etc. SBSS also integrates life skills, well- being, self-awareness and self-confidence-building skills in all its training programmes.


Equal opportunity for every man and women and poverty free just and equitable society
