Breaking News
The UP Training, Upazila level WATSAN committe training, LE training, Health Workers training and Hardcore Poor Selection are currently being conducted under the project for “Technical Assistance (TA) Firm to Develop Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) materials for Campaign, training manuals (for local Government Institutions- LGIs & Health Workers) and their Capacity Building’’ under Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project, DPHE. | Title Url Action Construction of 13 Poly-shed including Pen Exclusive Net (PEN) is under progress in Gadkhali, Jashore and Kaliganj under the project for “Designing and Implementing of Piloting Programme for Development of Business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut Flower Sector” under Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1, Ministry of Commerce. | Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) has decided to support the flood-affected people in need. Let's generously donate whatever we can to help the victims. Bikash Number: *01783 599 520* |

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Program

Assignment Name:

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Program

Approx. value of the Contract (Tk.

Lacs): BDT. 17.46

Country: Bangladesh

Location within country:

Biswambharpur and Jamalganj Upazilla of Sunamgonj District

Duration of assignment (months): 17

Name of Client: WFP through Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of GOB

Professional Staff provided by your organization:

No. of Staff: 05

No. of Staff-Months: 85

Start Date


August 2021

Completion Date


December 2022

Name of Joint Venture Consultants, If any: Not Applicable

No. of Staff-Months of Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture Consultants: Not Applicable

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:

Md. Azizul Haque, Project Manager

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The main activities of the project are to base line survey to determine number and level of the target group, group formation, selection of beneficiaries and stakeholders, community mobilization and advocacy, list out potential members for forming group, form group with 25-30 member in each group, provide orientation and awareness raising sessions, select group leaders through election, form CBO for taking over the responsibility ultimately, provide food ration received from the Government under VGF, skill development training on practical nutrition, homestead gardening for vulnerable women, skill development training on cow and goat rearing for vulnerable women, poultry rearing for vulnerable women, entrepreneurship development for vulnerable women, income generation and business for VGD women, life skill training on personal hygiene and cleanliness for VGD women, mother and child health, food and nutrition for VGD women, risk management of natural disaster, gender equity and women empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention, provide awareness raising courses with an aim to enhance their knowledge and provide skill training and capital support for fitting them in income generation activities. Monitoring, supervision, evaluation, follow-up and reporting activities. The selected women were trained in marketing of their vegetable’s products in local market and to take the advantages of business development in the earmarked corner for the women in the market. They were trained in agricultural product marketing strategies and business management skills. They were trained in simple calculation of profit and loss in producing and selling of their products.

Activities of the project:

Awareness and Motivation: To organize the target people under the program, they would be aware and motivated so that they actively participate in the program. Person to person communication, orientation and workshop were the techniques to aware and motivate people.

Skill Development Training: The objective of the life skills training is to enhance the livelihoods and self-reliance of the poor and ultra-poor women and empowering as well as mainstreaming the vulnerable women in the society. The training course planned for the VGD women are.

Basic training on life skills: the training covers different awareness issues on the daily life, i.e., Risk management of natural Disaster, Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness, Mother and Child Health, Food and Nutrition, Gender equality and Women Empowerment, HIV/AIDS prevention.

Basic training on income generating skills: The objective of IGA skill training is to enhance the livelihoods and self-reliance of extremely vulnerable women through their increased involvement in income earning activities. By taking into account the typical involvement of women in IGA at their household level, four generic training on four different income-generating activities, i.e., Goat and cow rearing, vegetable gardening, Poultry, Kitchen Gardening and Entrepreneurship Development training including small business.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

The technical staff members of SBSS provided training to the field staff and identified the group beneficiaries to engage them in implementation of the program. SBSS is also responsible for field supervision, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and other program related activities, preparation and submission of final report.

Firm’s Name


Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS)

Authorized Signature



Equal opportunity for every man and women and poverty free just and equitable society
