Breaking News
The UP Training, Upazila level WATSAN committe training, LE training, Health Workers training and Hardcore Poor Selection are currently being conducted under the project for “Technical Assistance (TA) Firm to Develop Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) materials for Campaign, training manuals (for local Government Institutions- LGIs & Health Workers) and their Capacity Building’’ under Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project, DPHE. | Title Url Action Construction of 13 Poly-shed including Pen Exclusive Net (PEN) is under progress in Gadkhali, Jashore and Kaliganj under the project for “Designing and Implementing of Piloting Programme for Development of Business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut Flower Sector” under Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1, Ministry of Commerce. | Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) has decided to support the flood-affected people in need. Let's generously donate whatever we can to help the victims. Bikash Number: *01783 599 520* |

What We Do

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

SBSS has vast experience in several projects implementation on water, sanitation and hygiene programmes. SBSS emphasizes water and sanitation management and governance to increase access to safe water, handwashing facilities and sanitary latrine installation and maintenance along with instilling sanitized and hygienic behavior among potential users. SBSS has also emphasized arsenic mitigation programmes to mitigate the arsenic from the arsenic-affected area through implementing various arsenic mitigation projects in collaboration with concerned government departments.

The specific objectives of the project are

  • Installation of Tube well through the concern Union Parishad for hard core poor
  • Constructing improved twin pit latrine sets for the hardcore poor;
  • Constructing piped water supply schemes in collaboration with communities and local government in selected villages in those areas which are mostly affected by arsenic and iron problem;
  • Increased access and use of WASH services in community clinic and Public Places;
  • Improved hygiene behavioral practices through Behavior Change Communication Campaign among the target population & hygiene promotion training for health worker;
  • Hand washing station with running water in response to Covid-19;
  • Strengthened capacity of the related government agencies and local government institutions (LGls) to plan manage and monitor sustainable decentralized WASH services.

Objectives of the SBSS are to

  • develop and printing of materials for BCC campaign, guideline on poorest household identification and capacity building of LGls (upazila and union level) and Health workers.
  • orient 30 Upazila WatSan Committee regarding SDG, project's components, and roles of the stakeholders.
  • develop the capacity of 316 Union Parishads (UPs) on SDG 6.1 and 6.2 and their responsibilities in project implementation.
  • develop capacity of around 1264 health workers on BCC campaign focusing five issues (safely managed water, safely managed sanitation, hand washing including the promotion of hand washing stations, menstrual hygiene and baby WASH).
  • assist 316 UPs for identification of the poorest households and make a final list for each Union by the engagement of Union Parishad as per agreed criteria and methodology provided by the project to provide fully subsidized toilets.
  • assist UPs for organizing Ward level session with community people for hygiene promotion, monitor field performance of the BCC campaign and union level six-monthly coordination meeting among the stakeholders to review progress and prepare next plan.
  • support DPHE for selecting and providing orientation for the Local Entrepreneurs L (LEs) to toilet construction for the poorest households.

Equal opportunity for every man and women and poverty free just and equitable society
