Breaking News
The UP Training, Upazila level WATSAN committe training, LE training, Health Workers training and Hardcore Poor Selection are currently being conducted under the project for “Technical Assistance (TA) Firm to Develop Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) materials for Campaign, training manuals (for local Government Institutions- LGIs & Health Workers) and their Capacity Building’’ under Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project, DPHE. | Title Url Action Construction of 13 Poly-shed including Pen Exclusive Net (PEN) is under progress in Gadkhali, Jashore and Kaliganj under the project for “Designing and Implementing of Piloting Programme for Development of Business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut Flower Sector” under Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1, Ministry of Commerce. | Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) has decided to support the flood-affected people in need. Let's generously donate whatever we can to help the victims. Bikash Number: *01783 599 520* |

What We Do

Capacity Building

Capacity-building activities are also aimed at strengthening and maintaining the capabilities of societies to design and implement strategies that minimize the negative impacts of current social, economic, and environmental crises and emerging challenges. As a cross-cutting entry point, capacity-building activities promote the integration agenda and the SDGs into national sustainable development planning frameworks, sharing lessons learned and good practices through workshops and related events.

Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) is a highly proactive and dynamic organization that helps build inner capacity and uphold the dignity of underprivileged people in society. SBSS attempts to develop strong small samities (groups) at the grassroots level by uniting them to achieve visible and result-oriented outcomes of its various development programmes. It is contributing to developing their organization with equal participation of men and women at the local level, establishing rights and raising collective voices against all types of discrimination. The programme also stresses the empowerment of women by creating a positive and congenial atmosphere so that women can easily create and control their resources by themselves along with easier access to government facilities.


  • Increase knowledge, resources and skill of underprivileged men and women
  • Develop people's organizations and their collective voices
  • Increase the rate of literacy and quality education
  • Build the capacities of community level stakeholders and institutions.

Major Activities

  • Formation of small groups and village development committees
  • Develop federation at Union and Ward level
  • Provide various human and technical skill development training as well as exposer visits
  • Organize workshop, seminar and community mobilization
  • Ensure Non-Formal Primary Education as well as Secondary education to the children of underprivileged people
  • Develop mechanism of advocacy and articulation of human qualities in them.

Equal opportunity for every man and women and poverty free just and equitable society
