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The UP Training, Upazila level WATSAN committe training, LE training, Health Workers training and Hardcore Poor Selection are currently being conducted under the project for “Technical Assistance (TA) Firm to Develop Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) materials for Campaign, training manuals (for local Government Institutions- LGIs & Health Workers) and their Capacity Building’’ under Rural Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Human Capital Development Project, DPHE. | Title Url Action Construction of 13 Poly-shed including Pen Exclusive Net (PEN) is under progress in Gadkhali, Jashore and Kaliganj under the project for “Designing and Implementing of Piloting Programme for Development of Business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut Flower Sector” under Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1, Ministry of Commerce. | Society for Bright Social Services (SBSS) has decided to support the flood-affected people in need. Let's generously donate whatever we can to help the victims. Bikash Number: *01783 599 520* |

“Designing and Implementation of Piloting Programme for Development of business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut-Flower Sector “Contract No: BRCP1/MOC/SD-36

Name of Project


“Designing and Implementation of Piloting Programme for Development of business Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs in Cut-Flower Sector “Contract No: BRCP1/MOC/SD-36

Project Location


Jashore, Jhenaidah, Chuadanga, Natore and Dhaka (Savar)

Project Cost (Tk.)





June 2022 to March 2023



Ministry of Commerce



Component A: Group formation and Identification of Piloting Activities:

  1. Product wise formation of Self-help group (SHG) of the interested Potential women Traders/Entrepreneurs. 

  2. Preparation of a common template of By-law for SHG.

  3. Providing technical assistance at business starting of SHG.

  4. Sub-sector wise identification of customized Piloting Activities and location wise selection of SHG/ interested potential women entrepreneurs/traders/other relevant stakeholders.

  5. Needs assessment survey of beneficiaries has to be conducted to identify major training needs, safety needs, prepare training curricula, and draft participants’ list. 

Component B: Development and designing of training curricula/module

  1. Development of curriculum/module for 05 (five) days specialized/hands-on training and 

  2. Development of curriculum/module for 03 (three) days Training in the Business Incubation Process.

  3. The curriculum/module for specialized/hands-on training will be prepared on the basis of findings/recommendations of final report of training implementing firms

  4. The curriculum/module will be finalized through need assessment survey of beneficiaries, expert opinion and validation workshop. 

  5. The training sessions should be 25% theoretical and 75% practical/learning by doing. Necessary arrangements to be ensured for practical/learning by doing sessions.

  6. For quality training and ensuring gender equality in the training programs there should be adequate number of trainers of which at least 50% trainers would be female (in case of unavailability of qualified female trainers’ number may be readjusted after consultation and approval from the project authority). The trainers would have acceptable educational background in the respective discipline and 01-week ToT would be conducted for them before the training. 

  7. All trainers and trainees will sign and follow a standardized Code of Conduct to mitigate Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) risks.

  8. Product wise selection of participants/preparation of trainees list. 

  • The total trainees will be (approximately 300 persons) about 25% men and 75% women.

  • The number of batches may be around 20 (Each batch containing about 15 participants).

  1. Training of Trainers need to be conducted by the service provider and 01 (one) batch piloting on the curriculum/module developed needs to be implemented prior to implementation of the training program.

Component C: Implementation of Training

  1. To ensure quality training and effective interaction with the Master Trainers, two batches of trainings need to be implemented simultaneously where a total of about 30 trainees may participate. 

  2. In covid-19 situation, health issues should be maintained properly.

  3. Development of a training schedule and metrics to measure progress.

  4. Develop a mechanism to receive trainees’ feedback and complaints anonymously.

  5. Develop an independent monitoring and evaluation mechanism for training.

  6. Training should be conducted following Non-Formal Education (NFE) approaches and Adult Learning Principles.

  7. Technical backstopping to be provided in each batch by the expert members of the team rotationally.

  8. Depending on the availability, at least 20% expert guest trainers from the Govt./non-govt. agencies would be invited for related session conduction.

  9. After successful completion of the training, the participants will receive a certificate signed by the competent authority.

  10. After trainings, two refresher workshops are to be arranged for participants to address any questions that might arise during utilization knowledge in their work.

  11. Code of Conduct in training implementation

  1. Training venue

Component D: Adoption of new technology

To develop a core team for the processing and by product preparation in the cut flower sector- a team (six most-deserving potential women entrepreneurs of cut flower sector, two cut flower Experts, one member from MOC and one member from BRCP-1, MOC having total 10 members) will take 10 days advanced training and practical visit to neighboring country where cut flower sector has been well developed. The core team members, after gathering knowledge and experience from neighboring country, will facilitate/disseminate their knowledge in the hands-on training program for development of processing and by product preparation in the Cut flower sector. The SP will arrange and bear all the costs of this training.

Component E: Linkages among the public-private Traders:

Making linkage of the Women Entrepreneurs/Traders with processors/ large public or reputed private companies/Cut Flower Growers and Exporters Association/Bangladesh Flower Society/FBCCI/ Bangladesh Women chamber of commerce / and other relevant stakeholders. 

The key activity that the service provider needs to perform under this component: 

  • To organize visits to promising flower enterprise/Exporters business center/processing center/ factory- at least 01 for each group (may be 02 groups together).

Component F: Assistance for matching grant support:

The service provider (SP) will assist BRCP-1 for matching grant support.

  1. Matching Grant Support will be provided to potential 20 entities (may be but flexible depending on the field demand may be changed);

  2. The SP will develop initial guidelines and procedures (the methodology practiced by AIF-3 program, NATP-Phase 2 project of DAE funded by IDA and GOB may be followed) including sub-project proposals in a prescribed format for matching grant support and finalize after consultation with the project authority;

  3. Matching grant support would be awarded to qualified SGH/Women Entrepreneurs/ Traders taking training from BRCP-1/ cut-flower related business organization, after submitting sub-project proposals;

  4. Matching grant support would be maximum ceiling BDT 10.00 lakh and maximum 50% of the sub-project cost and rest 50% cost will be borne by them mentioned in F(iii); 

  5. The SP will properly inform matching grant support program and assist them for sub-project preparation and submission. The funding windows should be fully associated with business promotion/export;

  6. Matching grant support would be awarded on the basis of merit of the proposals through competitive process by the local and central committees;

  7. The SP will assist to constitute a local committee headed by the local UNO with other members from DAE, DAM, Department of Women affairs, Women chamber and concerned UP chairman/ward commissioner/ward member (maximum 5-7 members).

  8. The SP also organize local committee meeting with the consent of UNO and assist for meeting minutes preparation and also bear the associated cost;

  9. The local committee will make recommendations after verifying the documents and evaluating the capability of the SHG or Potential Women Entrepreneurs trained in BRCP-1/ cut-flower related business association;

  10. The SP will collect and send the evaluation and recommendations of local committee to the project office with the necessary documents;

  11. There will be a central committee headed by one Director from WTO Cell, MOC with other members from DAE, DAM, Department of Women affairs, Department of ICT, Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Project Manager, BRCP-1/MOC as member secretary; the central committee will make final recommendation to the Project Director with an evaluation report;

  12. On behalf of Project Director (PD), Monitoring and Supervising Officer and project personnel will visit the qualified sub-projects physically and will submit a verification report to PD;

  13. After proper verification of the submitted documents, qualified sub-projects will be approved and matching grant support within the budget will be allocated by the Project Director through bank;

  14. To ensure quality outcome in all and every stage of matching grant support, regular monitoring will be done by the SP as well as by the project. The SP will develop monitoring and reporting mechanisms and finalize after consultation with the project authority.


Equal opportunity for every man and women and poverty free just and equitable society
